
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠١٤

your luck today 09/25/2014, Towers today Thursday 25 2014 abraj horoscope

Luck on Thursday 25/09/2014, horoscope Thursday 09.25.2014  Expectations towers today Thursday, September 25th, 2014, your luck today 09/25/2014, Towers today Thursday 25  2014 abraj horoscope  Jumana Qubeissi expectations today, Maguy Farah today, expectations Mohammed Pharaoh Today, Michel Hayek Today, expectations Abeer felt today, the expectations of today's Carmen Chammas, Jacqueline mental outlook today, the expectations of the halo Hmraleom, expectations Abeer Fouad Today   Aries  Professionally: You should strive to build strong relationships with coworkers and superiors emotionally: Do not discuss with the one you love in sensitive topics today  Taurus  Professionally: The situation today requires you to accomplish a lot of work so you have to be emotionally quickly as possible: the beloved asks you to take a decisive stand today on the nature of your relationship  Gemini  Professionally: Some are trying to distort your image at work emotion

horoscope Thursday 09.25.2014

Luck on Thursday 25/09/2014, horoscope Thursday 09.25.2014  Expectations towers today Thursday, September 25th, 2014, your luck today 09/25/2014, Towers today Thursday 25  2014 abraj horoscope  Jumana Qubeissi expectations today, Maguy Farah today, expectations Mohammed Pharaoh Today, Michel Hayek Today, expectations Abeer felt today, the expectations of today's Carmen Chammas, Jacqueline mental outlook today, the expectations of the halo Hmraleom, expectations Abeer Fouad Today   Aries  Professionally: You should strive to build strong relationships with coworkers and superiors emotionally: Do not discuss with the one you love in sensitive topics today  Taurus  Professionally: The situation today requires you to accomplish a lot of work so you have to be emotionally quickly as possible: the beloved asks you to take a decisive stand today on the nature of your relationship  Gemini  Professionally: Some are trying to distort your image at work emotionally

Luck on Thursday 25/09/2014

Luck on Thursday 25/09/2014, horoscope Thursday 09.25.2014  Expectations towers today Thursday, September 25th, 2014, your luck today 09/25/2014, Towers today Thursday 25  2014 abraj horoscope  Jumana Qubeissi expectations today, Maguy Farah today, expectations Mohammed Pharaoh Today, Michel Hayek Today, expectations Abeer felt today, the expectations of today's Carmen Chammas, Jacqueline mental outlook today, the expectations of the halo Hmraleom, expectations Abeer Fouad Today   Aries  Professionally: You should strive to build strong relationships with coworkers and superiors emotionally: Do not discuss with the one you love in sensitive topics today  Taurus  Professionally: The situation today requires you to accomplish a lot of work so you have to be emotionally quickly as possible: the beloved asks you to take a decisive stand today on the nature of your relationship  Gemini  Professionally: Some are trying to distort your image at work emotionally

Hairstyles elegant and simple 2015

Hairstyles elegant and simple 2015 I chose you beautiful hairstyles for 2015  I hope that you like it  I love you  

Party dresses 2015

Party dresses 2015 I chose you Models Evening Dresses for 2015  I hope that you like it  I love you

Beautiful nails for 2015

Beautiful nails for 2015

New nails in 2015

New nails in 2015

The perfect red nail polish

The perfect red nail polish Since twitches and tingles it in the fingers and toes. Christian Louboutin brings a nail polish collection on the market! His first nail polish glows naturally as the famous scarlet sole of his stilettos. The vial - how could it be otherwise - is designed in the shape of high heels. From August 6 to 'Louboutin Rouge' among others Neimanmarcus, Nordstrom and Sephora be available for about 46 Euros.  Eagerly we waited - finally began the story of the typical red Louboutin soles with a nail polish ... While Christian Louboutin was working on a draft, suddenly disturbed him the dark shoe sole. At that moment, one of his employees painted fingernails red. He snatched her coat and thus a colored sole. So it is hardly surprising that the first paint the red 'Rouge Louboutin' should be.  The launch of other nail polish colors will follow in September: 'The Noirs' is dark tones include, in 'The Nudes' are different ski


SIGNIERTE PARFÜMS VON ALICIA KEYS GEWINNEN Alicia Keys ist Testimonial des Duftes 'Dahlia Divin' von Givenchy. Keine überraschende Zusammenarbeit, schließlich hat Creative Director Riccardo Tisci bereits zahlreiche Bühnenoutfits für die Sängerin entworfen.   Die Kampagne sowie auch der Duft stehen unter dem Thema "Der goldene Faden". Man trifft auf ihn in der Robe, die Alicia Keys beim Shooting trägt, in der Kulisse der Kampagne sowie auch im Parfüm – die Essenz schimmert wie flüssiges Gold, den Flaschenhals ziert ein feiner goldfarbener Faden. 'Dahlia Divin' erinnert an teure Haute Couture, mit Mirabelle und Jasmin vermengen sich Vetiver und Patschuli. Für alle Alicia-Keys-Fans haben wir etwas ganz Besonderes. Wir verlosen fünf der 'Dahlia Divin'-Parfüms, die von der Sängerin signiert sind.  Sie wollen gewinnen? Dann spielen Sie einfach das Glamoury auf der nächsten Seite und tragen Sie anschließend Ihre Daten in das Gewinnspi


GUCCI MAKE-UP Für mich gehören Beauty und Fashion zusammen, das eine existiert nicht ohne das andere. Augen, Teint, Lippen – das sind alles Accessoires, die gemeinsam einen unverkennbaren Look ausmachen", so Frida Giannini. Seit vier Jahren arbeitet die Designerin an ihrer ersten Make-up-Kollektion für Gucci, die letztlich aus insgesamt 200 Produkten besteht. Darunter: Produkte für Augen, Gesicht, Lippen, Nägel sowie Hautpflegeutensilien. Frida Giannini arbeitete für das Sortiment in engem Austausch mit Make-up-Koryphäe Pat McGrath, die für die jetzige Fashion Show in Mailand auch erstmals einen Gucci-Look aus der eigenen Kosmetiklinie kreierte und somit auf den Laufstegen der Fashion-Welt debütierte. Der Beauty-Look von Gucci backstage © Gucci Mit den Herzstücken der Linie wurde der Look kreiert: 'Lustrous Glow Foundation', 'Perfecting Concealer' und 'Luxe Finishing Puder' wählte Pat McGrath für den Teint, 'Magnetic Color Shadow Mono I